April Schedule for ABA Sessions from TasKids

Schedule for Apr 2018 with TasKids

TasKids sent in the schedule for this month April 2018 with Arron covers Mon, Wed, Fri from 5:30 – 7:45; and Jody covers Tues & Thur. from 5:30 – 7:45 as well.   Jody also handles Parent Training on Mondays and Fridays (mostly to make up for the weeks that we did not have PC sessions).

At the daycare, Alexandra (I have not met her yet) covers Tues, Wed and Fri from 3-5 PM; and Jody covers only Thursday (3:15 – 5:15).

So now there are 4 staffs from TasKids in William’s case.

Supervisor: Anh Huy Nguyen.

Behavorial Technician: Jody, Arron & ALexandra.

Huy, is a young man, he’s with TasKids for 3 years but he’s been in the field for 6 years.  He’s a very organized man.  He put the schedule for home sessions in front of the binder so that we can easily know who will come on which day.  He thinks ABEST had too many goals for William so he reduced that to a few.  BT will still set 15 minutes for potty; and William has to sit for 1 minute.  BT will show William the timer on their phone set to 1 minute.  Then after that William needs to wash his hands.

Arron was supposed to start 2 weeks earlier but he was sick.  He’s a very young man; I think there’s something wrong with his legs that he does’t walk normal.  He always comes to our house with only the notebook in his hands: no toys at all.  Other staffs always come with toys to use as re-enforcer but he doesn’t.   I think that’s the reason why William keeps asking “I want Mama” and runs to the kitchen during his sessions because William is bored.

Jody, we first met her when she was with ABEST; she brought sand/sand tray, puzzles and other toys.  William always loves sand so it’s naturally that he keeps asking for sand in her sessions.  She uses it as the re-enforcer to ask him to solve the puzzle and read books.  She brought 25 pieces puzzle which she knows is hard for William to solve; “The purpose is for William to ask for help, not to solve the puzzle.” – Jody explains.

Alexandra, covers at the day care only, called in sick the 2nd day (last week); and then this week.  But then TasKids texted me saying that she felt much better so she could come this week!  I have not met her but I heard from daycare staffs that Alexandra is more involved with William than Jody.  She will also covers the morning sessions when William is at the day care full day.

I feel like TasKids don’t have enough staffs that they send us those are not in good health, besides Jody & Huy (I have no idea what sickness they have. ).

Communications with TasKids has been text messages; looks like it’s the method they prefer because I only got 1 phone call from Tailyn at the beginning, then after that they’re all text messages whenever there’s a schedule or staff change; which is fine with me.

TasKids did not even ask me to sign any paper works at all, which surprised me because with ABEST we had to at least sign the Client Services Agreement which lists all the things that we, as a client, should or should not do.

Another thing, ABEST policy does not allow BT to contact directly with us; TasKids on the other hand allows that, I got text messages from Jody and Alexandra when they wanted to cancel the sessions.

It’s not good or bad, it’s just my experiences with 2 different companies, and I just wanted to write it down.

Met The TB From TasKids at the Daycare

Tuesday 2:00 PM.  Today was the first day for the supervisor Huy and BT Jody from TasKids to come to day care so after I dropped William off and sent him to his tiny bed in his classroom, I waited for the supervisor Huy and BT Jody in my car.  And guess who the BT was?  It was Jody who used to work for ABEST!  She came to our house a few times to supervise when we were with ABEST.   What a lovely surprise!

William with Ms. Jody at home session

I was so happy with a comfort feeling that William will be in good hands with someone that he’s familiar with.  I was afraid that with new BT, William might not get along well but that feeling soon went away when I saw Jody.   It turns out Arron is sick; and Holly is no longer with the company so Ms. Jody will be with him everyday at the daycare and at home too!

First Session With TasKids

Today Monday 3/19/2018 William had first session with TasKids staffs after about 3 weeks with no sessions at home.

The supervisor Huy Dang and BT Aaron were scheduled to be at our home from 5:45 – 7:45 but Aaron was sicked so he cancelled. The supervisor Huy Dang came and stayed for about 1 hour and then left.

William came close to Mr. Huy and sat next to him.  Huy was so surprised because this is the first time they met but William acted like they’re close.

Schedule for the first week with TasKids 3/19/2018 – 3/23/2018. But it turned out Arron and Hollie are not available anymore so Jody covers all sessions, at home and day care.

Process To Switch ABA Vendor

Now that ABEST doesn’t have staffs for William at home; we’re looking for the new vendor.   I searched Google , picked 2 from the list and called them; left them (CARD) a voice message, few days past with no return calls from them.


Tues 3/6/2018.   Called Cal Optima to check on the status; the lady said it’s in PENDING status, which means it’s not being reviewed yet; and that I should call back in a few days to check.  I already told ABEST that the last day of their service is Fri 3/9; looks like it takes a while for CalOptima to process our switching vendor request; which means the  approval for TasKids to start service might not arrive next week.  So William might not have any ABA services at all (home or day care) until TasKids receives the authorization from Cal Optima.