With Caregiver Ms. Diana

Saturday, a hot day.

Today we have a new caregiver named Diana; she’s young (19 years old) and I think I like her. She’s very clever by asking me if our last caregiver was someone I’m looking for.  I gave her my honest answer with hoping that she can keep that in mind while babysitting William.  I told her that Sarah is a nice lady but I hope she could be a little bit more involved by playing with William in the park instead of just either standing or sitting there watching him.  Williams looked so lonely playing alone.


Mile Square Park with Caregiver Sarah

Saturday 9:00 AM.

Taking advantage of the RESPITE benefit from RCOC, we asked the GSG Service company to find a babysitter to help babysit William on Saturday for 4 hours.  We’re allowed to have 8 hours a month for RESPITE.  According to our service coordinator Kim Than, RCOC accounting department has not determined our share of cost yet so we’re not responsible for that.  Also, I want to apply for MediCal thru the Waiver Program so that’s why I need to use RESPITE at least once.

Sarah, a very young lady came to our house.  We asked if she’s ok to go to the Mile Square park; and she said ok.  So we took William and our bike, she drove her car and followed us.

At the park we let Sarah watched William played in the playground, Tim rode his bike around the park; and I walked around near the playground; partly I wanted to watch how Sarah took care of William.  She’s very nice but she just either stand or sit down to watch William playing; I hope that she could be more involved to play with William instead of just standing there watching.   I felt that William was so lonely running around while the other children have their parents instruct them to do this or that.

10:30 AM we left the park and returned home.  Sarah is starting to play with William, asking what he wants to do.  I let them play together while I prepared lunch for William.  Once lunch was ready, I gave William his ipad and asked him to come to the dining table as usual.  Sarah stayed in the living room and checked her phone.  I wish that she could come over and sit with us and talk; or she could offer to help feed William.  I waited for 20 minutes but she was still sitting there; no sign at all that she’d want to join us on the dining table.

She’s new; she just started with GSG company since Jan so that’s means only 4 months; which means she doesn’t have much experience.  I would not want to waste her time by letting her sitting there doing nothing while I fed William so I told her If she wants she can go. So she left after asking me to sigh her time sheet.

It’s nice to have someone watching William for a few hours so that I can do things that I need to do but I hope I can find someone that I can trust.

GSG Call Meeting

Per our service co-ordinator Kim Than, I called the GSG Support Services (on Friday) and scheduled a call with them today Tuesday at 10:30 AM.  They said the call would last for 45 minutes.  Not sure what’s the call is about, we’ll see!

Update: Basically they asked questions about how William acts, behaves, what he likes/dislike so things that a babysitter should know to make their job easier.  At the end of the call, David asked if I want to schedule for a babysitter anytime soon, because we should spend all the allowed hours before it expires so that RCOC will continue to approve for RESPITE.  Otherwise RCOC would think we don’t need it, they might reduce the hours.

For William we’re allowed to have 8 hours a month of RESPITE service so David suggested that we split that into 2 sessions because the minimum number of hours for a session is 3 hours.  So I went ahead and schedule for this Saturday for 4 hours but there’s a waiting list so I’d have to wait for their call to know if they can find available staff.  David said latest by Fri we’d have the answer.