IEP 2021

It’s time for William’s IEP (Individualized Education Program); it has been 1 year since William moved to Mr. Castaneda class at Thomas Jefferson elementary school.   I still remember how shocked I was when Mrs. Newman proposed that William should be transferred to this school because he was doing so good in class).   How time flies!  William is gonna turn 8 years old next month and is in 2nd grade.

With the Covid-19 pandemic is still going on, the IEP this time hosted by Mr. C was thru the zoom meeting just like last year (which was hosted by Mrs. Newman at Lincoln elementary school).  This time we have Mr. Catenada (Special Ed teacher), Ms. Linday (OT), Ms. Karen (speech), Mrs. Karen (General Education 2nd grade), Mr. Eric Merrit (vice principal)  andThomas (ABA supervisor from TasKids).

Yesterday Mr. C and Ms. Lindsay (Occupational Therapist) called to briefly tell me how William’s doing.  Mr. C made my day by telling me that William is doing so good with math so he’s gonna send William to a general education class, 2nd grade with Ms. Maureen for 1 hour math session; and Ms. Crystal will go with William to support him.    He also said William is good at reading too, but he wants him to try Math in normal class setting first to see how he’s doing there.   It’s such a great news to me; and I’m so proud of William.

Ms. Lindsay (OT) said that William is making so much progress on holding the pencil, he prefers to write in upper case but she noticed that if she gave him the adapted paper with visual cues, he’d write correctly with lowercase letters.  So she thinks William no longer needs OT every weeks any more; she proposed once a month for this coming year.

Ms. Karen (speech) said that William still has issue with the L letter, especially if it stands in the middle; he says it correctly if L is at the beginning of the words; so she’ll continue to work with him on that.

One other thing Mr. C mentioned that in the class he’d sit still for 30 minutes without standing up and wandering around the house like he did when we had online class.  I was so surprised to hear that cuz William I know can never stay still for few minutes, unless he’s watching iPad.

The meeting concluded in half an hour later, then I drove William to school.  We got the tardy yellow slip for being late with the “Excused” mark from the school office.  It’s Costume Day at school but he refused to wear any costume; we brought some candies for him to share with his classmates.

IEP Annual Meeting – 2018

2:00 PM at Lincoln school meeting with Mrs. Newman about William’s annual IEP at his classroom 54.  Attendance included Ms. Stephany (speech therapist), principle assistant Mrs. Cynthia, and the General Ed teacher.  Mrs. Cynthia and general ed teacher asked to be excused because I have no questions for them.

Mrs. Newman went