First Time In Sea World

From our last experience with William in Disneyland, he did not like rides or any shows so that was why we never took him to Sea World. But this weekend all of his cousins were going so we decided to take him there.

Just like we expected, the only place he wanted to be was the playground and the game arcade. We tried to attend the Dolphins Day show, but it was too sunny and he was not enjoyed the show that much so he and I left the show early to go back to the play ground.

Sea World has a nice playground with Bouncing areas, tunnels, cable bridge, and splash pad. The game arcade is next to it; so are the rides. He did not care much to play with the water or the rides so he just ran around between the bridge and the bouncing place.

It’s hard to ask him to stay still to take a quick picture!
Beautiful Flamingos but William didn’t like it.
He loves to put his hands into the water, but scared to touch the fish!
He’s taller than 39 inches!