Chasing Autumn 2021

Oct 2 – Oct 4, 2021

It’s our most favorite season of the year: Autumn; and the nearest location to our place is of course Bishop, which is around 6 hours driving.    Actually this year we were planning to go to Cedar City, Utah but then we heard that it’s peaking at Bishop so we changed our plan in the last minute.    It’s peaking at North Lake and South Lake, Rock Creek Lake but other areas at lower elevation is still green.  Maybe in the next 2 weeks it’ll peak there.

William was so excited as usual about the trip, but he did not like Travelodge, “It’s a motel, not hotel!”.

– It’s a small city, there’s no resorts here.  I said.

– Why? he asked.

– Because people come to this town for hiking and fishing , not to relax.

– Bishop is a bad city, it only has motels not hotels! – He kept saying that.

This time we had his Grandpa Thieu Bui (Tim’s Dad) to go with us.  He wanted to see yellow leaves.  We did not think that he’d have trouble breathing in high elevation area but he did.  First afternoon we went to North Lake, he had trouble breathing ; and worse, he left his ventilator at the hotel so we gave him William’s ventilator (which we always carry with us along with EpiPen everywhere we go) and then we had to leave right away.