Hana Field – The Flowers Field in Costa Mesa

We were not planning to go but aunt Eliza had 2 extra tickets because her son and daughter Vi & Bryan could not go.  So I purchased additional 1 ticket ($5.00) on their web site so that 3 of us can go.

The Hana farm is part of the Tanaka farm, which turns out to be disappointed: the sunflowers are all done, there were other flowers too but not that as much as the one in Carlsbad.  We tried to walked to the small section at the end of the farm where there were still some sunflowers left, but William asked to go to the shade because it was too sunny, so Tim took him to the table where there was some shade.  We took some pictures and then left for In and Out Burger for lunch.

We had lunch in the car then went to South Coast Plaza which is only 5 minutes away.  William loved it here! It’s been for more than a year due to Covid-19 that we did not go to the mall.  To my surprise, William did not run around like he used to do last time we went to a mall.  He’s so curious about everything; we took the elevator to the upper level, “It’s a nice elevator!” – I’m so surprise at his remark.  He saw the water fountain on the way, he asked “why there’s water here? why the water is running down?” – He asked a lot of Why questions!

I told him it was time to go home but he asked for more time so I gave him more time.  We were just walking around the mall, did not go into any store, some times sat down on the  benches to look around.  I did not have to run after him and call his name out loud this time, thanks God!