A free event fro children with Autism organized by Cheyenne Angelica LLC, with. I was not sure that William wanted to ride the pony but when I asked, he said “Yes”, to my surprise.

After the ABA session with Ms. Brenda, I quickly prepared some hot dogs for William to eat before heading to the stables. I did not know they provided food.
It was about 20 minutes driving from our home. William was so excited. It was a dusty road when we got to the parking lot. This place is huge!
The event was very well organized. It was quite a bit of walking; you can get lost easily at this big barn if there’s no directions, especially when it’s your first time here. Chey staffs stood at all the corners where we needed to make a turn so we did not get lost. ( we got lost on the way back to the car because Chey staffs were not there anymore as the event ended).
Dust was all over the place; and it was sunny but William did not complain at all. He patiently walked with me thru the way to the are where the event was held.

This young lady was seating behind the table and greeted us as she saw us coming. Very young nice lady (too bad I did not get her name and did not take a picture with her). She had me sign some papers and gave us a bag full of goodies for William: a hay hat, a bandana, 2 horse figurines; 1 plush animals. I put the hat on him right away, he looked so cute. The horses are beautiful and big. He pet the horses and tried to feed the horses too. I asked if he wanted to ride the horse, he said “No”. There was no people waiting to ride the horse at that time but too bad he did not want to ride.
I wanted William to go get some food first but he saw the game board, he immediately ran to it. And came back to this table few more times later. Then as we walked to the food tables, he saw the Moon Bounce, he ran to it and did not want to eat.

After tired of jumping, I asked again if he wanted to ride the horse; he said “Yes” this time. I guess because he saw other children riding the horse and that made him change his mind. Unfortunately there were 2 other kids before us so we had to wait. He could not stay in line; he ran off to pat the horses; I have to run after him; when we got back, we lost our place; so now we’re behind 4 children. It was too hot and sunny; waiting in the line is just impossible for him; he kept running off to pat the horses. This time I learned my lesson, I asked the lady behind us to keep our spot for us so that we did not have to start at the end of the line again.
Finally William got to ride the horse; he did not show much emotion but I think he liked it because he did not ask to get down. He got to ride 2 round around the event area with a lady leading the horse and a man walking behind her to make sure William did not fall.
After the ride, William ran back to the Moon Bounce and jumped some more. At this time he was hungry: he drank some water and asked for muffins.
He loved to jump; I asked him if he wanted to leave several times but he said “No”.
Finally he decided to go him, on the way out, he saw the painting table and stopped and pour colors into the plate.
He seems to enjoy this event a lot.
Felt asleep on the way home