Festival of Flights

Festival of Flights returned to Long Beach after skipping last year due to Covid-19 pandemic; I remember William as having so much fun in 2019 Festival of Flights, he loved the cannons!

We were asked to show the vaccine cards; they offered free rapid PRC test for those who are not vaccinated; so William had to take one.  It was nasal swab, William did it by himself.  We waited only for 15 minutes for the result; it was negative.

I was a bit disappointed because this year there was not that many airplanes and booths like in 2019.  Luckily there was 1 airplane that allowed us to get in and touch the controls; William loved it!

We sat on the fake lawn to each lunch and watched the performers on the stage; William did not pay much attention to the music because he was busy playing with the Jack’s Game  that he got from 1 of the booths.

We got some chicken noodles for lunch, at first he said no but after the first taste, he loved it.  It’s really good but too salty, I guess because there’s no veggie; I did not know that if we want veggie we need to order it, which costs a bit more.  From the pictures on the truck, I thought veggies is included.

Then I went to get some Churros Sunday which has ice cream on top of the churros; I asked to have the churros separated from the ice cream and that all the toppings should be on the ice cream but they misunderstood, they have the ice cream on a separate cup but the sauces and toppings (I chose Hershey chocolate and Oreos) are on the churros!  William took the ice cream and did not want to eat the churros because there was sauce on them.  From his look, I think he enjoyed this event.