Cut Back on ABA Hours!

Monday afternoon,  normally it’s the PC session with Jody and One to One session with Aaron but Aaron cancelled so Jeannie covered for him.  The supervisor Huy also came to go over the progress report that he had to prepare to turn over to his director; the report is due to the Cal Optima on Sept.

He went over the goals that set by previous company ABEST and how William achieved the goals.   There are about 7 goals that he marked “Discontinued” because he thinks William achieved them.  And in conclusion he recommended to reduce the One on One hours from 24 hours / week to 17 hours/week, meaning cutting back 7 hours/week.  He also cuts back the PC hours from 12 to 10 hours/month.

We’re not happy with his decision because William achieved a few goals but there are still lots of goals in the list that we haven’t started yet.  He based on the ABC data collected by the BTs  at home or day care sessions to conclude that William achieved the goals. I was learned from parent training from previous company that in order to master a goal, William has to demonstrate that skill with BTs, and with parents and can generalize that skill out in the community as well.  We rarely take William out to the communities during session so Huy would have no idea how William behaves when in the community.   From our recent travel trips, we were very frustrated because William would never listen, he would run off unexpected and throw tantrum if we did not allow him to do what he wanted.   Huy only comes few times a month, and observes for about 1 hour per session, how much can he learn about William in such a short time; plus, he just took over our case for only about 3 months!  As a Mom, I know William the best, I know William still needs lots of training on controlling his behaviors so cutting back the hours is not gonna help.   3 or 4 hours of cutting back is ok but 7 hours is too much!