Friday, our ABA session was taken place at the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, where the Truck or Treat event was held. William’s cousins went to this private school so we got to tag along to the school’s private event. All participants opened their trunks and decorated with Halloween theme which is really cool. The children then lined up and went to each car for candies. There was music, and lots of children participated. I think William had a great time. We only went 2 rows but he already had a full bag of candies; he looked tired so we decided to go his cousins car to sit down. It was a long day for him: class in the morning at Lincoln school, then Children’s world preschool till 5:30, then we picked him up and took him directly to the event. So he must be hungry too. One of the car offered the chicken nuggets, he grabbed that and took 1 bite; that was when I realized it was late and he must be tired and hungry.
With BT Jody and Thomas always around William, I felt very relieved; and lucky for us William behaved that day, he did not run off around; he actually stayed on line and followed it.
The event opened the gate at 5:30 PM, started the line for Treat or Trick at 6:30 and ended at 7:30 PM ($5.00 per car).
More photos 2 (Grandma’s House)