Blood Test

We got the lab order from the mail from Center for Autism, Ms. Elyse ordered those for us for the tests of Genetics Chromosome and Fragile X (FMRT) w/ Reflex to Methylation Lavender; so I made the appointment with LabCorp from their web site, the appointment was  Monday morning.  Fasting is required so I chose the earliest time available which was 9:15 AM.   I sent out emails to my work that I’d be late for about an hour.

LabCorp location is near the Fountain Valley hospital which about 10 minutes from our house.   All 3 of use were going, we left the house around 8:30 AM.  William kept saying “I don’t like blood test” but he did not cry.  Email confirmation from LabCorp said to check in thru the phone so we did.  When we got to the office, there was about 9 people ahead of us.   9:30 AM and we were still not called so I walked up to the front desk and asked.  It happened that our paper was right there, she picked it up and said she was working on it.  She asked what’s the doctor name because she could not find Ms. Elyse name in the record.   Then she said the address on the lab order paper does not match with what listed in her computer.  Half more hour passed by, I walked up to her and asked if she got what she needed.  She said this is not some regular test, she had to call the San Diego office to find the code, and that this lab does not offer the other test.  And for the Genetics chromosome test, we had to fill out the form.  I took the form and looked at it, all questions are about symtoms, I had no idea how to answer so I walked back to her again.  She said she never deals with this form before but to take this test I have to fill it out.  So I told her that I’d take the form the Ms. Elyse.

It was 10:30 AM.  We wasted 2 hours for nothing.

“Why we did not have the blood test?” – William asked. “Because we need to fill out more forms” – I answered.  We hurriedly drove back home because I needed to get back to work; feeling worried that I have to take more time off for the next appointment and the worse part is that we don’t know which lab that offers the other test.