I Want To Try Again!

Thursday’s noon at 1:00 PM at Lincoln Elementary school;   William was crying while walking with Ms. Birdie to the gate where I normally pick him up.  He kept point his hand to the classroom and said “I want to try again!”.   And the story is:

The teacher took him to the bathroom every half an hour but he would not pee.   After lunch he told Ms. Newman “I want diaper!”, Ms. New said “No, no, let’s go to the bath room”, so she took him there but he did not pee.  When they returned to the classroom then William peed in his pants!  But that’s not why William cried: he cried because he did not get the last star (for peed in the pants) to get the chocolate that he wants.  He wanted to try the bathroom again so that he could get the star, and of course the chocolate that he wanted so badly.

He continued to cry for about 10 minutes in my car and kept pointing his hands toward the school “I want to try again”.   He only stopped when I gave him my phone so that he could watch youTube.  Looking at him watching videos, eating chips and drinking juice, he seemed to forget about the whole thing while I was driving him to the daycare.


Not Eating Lunch

William always stands there when i leave the daycare.

Fri morning.   When I dropped William off at Children’s World preschool today; Ms. Leila told me William doesn’t want to eat lunch.  When it’s lunch time, he’d cry and doesn’t want to sit on the chair; and when he finally sits, he’d push food away.  Ms. Leila saved the food for him so that he can have it after nap time but then he’d refuse to eat too.

I felt bad knowing that my boy is starving the whole day; I wish he can talk so that he could tell me why he doesn’t want to eat lunch!

Lunch menu for this week
William loves to walk on these wooden block



William loves to walk on these wooden block.  He looks so sad when I leave!  He doesn’t play with other kids so he must be very lonely.  Poor my little boy.  I just wish I don’t have to work so that he can stay home or I can take him out to have some fun.