
Wednesday morning, I took William to school as usual. Ms. Sandy heard him coughing so hard she suggested that I took him home.

I called in sick to take care of him. We also cancelled the ABA session in the afternoon. William did not eat any thing except asking for milk. I cooked chicken porridge but he refused to eat after 1 bite. I asked if he wanted Spaghetti, he said, “Yes” so I heated up his favorite spaghetti. While it was still heating up, he ran to the bed room and laid there and refused to go back to the dining table. I brought the spaghetti to the bed room but he did not want to eat that either. I could force him to have 2 bites but that’s about it. So I gave him a bottle of milk and 5 ml of Children DimeTapp.

He felt asleep around 12:00 PM but woke up around 2:30 PM.

He looked tired and refused to drink or eat anything. He must be very hungry but I guess he was tired and sick that did not want to eat.

He coughed constantly.