Fever Is Gone, Thanks God!

Sunday 6 AM. William woke up early at 6:00; I touched his forehead and his fever was gone!  I’m so relieved because I was so worried that he had to skip school.  We took a walk around the neighborhood and then went to church.  He felt asleep during the mass, I guess because of the Benadryl that I gave him before going to the church.

Played in the back yard

Later in the afternoon he wanted to go to water park but it was too late, the water park would be closed by the time we arrived so we took him to the beach instead.  He walked with us to go near the water which is a big improvement because before he’d refuse to go near the water.

More photos:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/zQ41MBvQwoiPAMYCA

Ready to take a walk around the neighborhood. He loves to take the cards with him everywhere (he put the cards in the bucket)
I turned on the light, he loved it so much that he let the tassels touched his face. Minutes later he started to scratch his cheeks so I gave him some Benadryl.

William and Dad Tim

He loved it that I put sand over his feet.
He picked up a shell and threw it back to the water


Story Time at Huntington Beach Central Library

William loves the guitar, he tried to touch it.

Saturday 9:30 AM.  Dad Tim had to work so I took William to the Huntington Beach Central Library for some Story Time.  They have Story times at 10 AM every Saturday for toddlers.   This is the 2nd time that I took William here; the first time when he was only 1 year old.

At home William was excited to go out; I told him we were going to the library.  He was fine with that.  But when stepped into the room and saw all other kids and parents, he tried to run out.  I held him back and let him sat on my legs.  The session started with some live music; gradually William turned around and look at the guitar player.  Then he stood up and went up/down the stairs in the audience area.  At some points he clapped his hands when others did.

Toward the end of the session, he ran out the door and running around; finally I could led him to the books area next to the Story Time room.

This app took our picture and allows to edit the pic, which is really cool.