Aug 21 – Aug 26, 2015

This is the beginning of our Florida-Bahamas trip: we stayed in the Miami for the first 5 days then flew to the Bahamas and stayed there for the next 4 days.
The suite at the Alexander Resort Hotel is nice; William liked it a lot; he’d running around touching this & that; we had to hide some of the decorations so that he’d not break it. But some times he’d wake up during the night and cry a lot; no matter what we did, he kept crying. William’s cousin Danny tried to help by turning on the cartoon channel on the TV (thanks Danny).

We tried to take William to the beach once but he was so scared; he’d hold on to me so that his feet would not touch the water. But he liked the hotel’s pool. His God Father Than Vo held him so that he lays flat on his stomach on the water, he liked that a lot. During this whole trip William was so attached to his God Father; William would jump up on his thigh and sit there, which he rarely does with us :).
On the day we visited John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park and went on a submarine to see the Molasses Reef. William threw up while we were waiting on the line for the submarine. Then he felt asleep soon when we settled down inside the submarine. Poor little guy, he didn’t enjoy anything!
I guess his favorite place is in the hotel, where he can run around freely.