Yosemite 2020

Valley View

Our short vacation: 2 nights at Yosemite View Lodge.  William got so excited the he did not sleep the night before!  He was running around trying to help me pack (of course it took longer to pack with him helping :)).

We picked up the rental car at John Wayne airport on Saturday night; the airport was so empty during this Covid-19 shut down.  We came to the Arrival level but the Alamo rental agency is down at lower level.  William was so excited to get in the rental car: touched this and touched that with wide open eyes!  The car rental price was so cheap:  $164.00 total for 3 days for a van of 8 seats!  Our family of 8 fit nicely in the car; there’s no place for the luggage so we put most of our luggage on the roof.

6 hrs drive with a few stops along the way for food and rest room breaks was not bad.  William looked so happy all the time.  This was our first trip out of town since the lock down.  We stopped by Vons supermarket in Oakhurst town, which is about 1 hr from Yosemite park.  They had fresh cherries so good that my brother in law Than bought 2 bags.  We loved it so much that on the way home we bought some more.  This town is big compared to Mariposa which is nearer to the park (about 30 min).  It was a good choice to stop here at Oakhurst town; it’s a great place to stock up food & goodies before entering the park.

Checking in with Yosemite View Lodge was easy, of course everyone was wearing mask.  I overheard that they had 50% vacancy due to the shutdown.  The hotel has some outdoor pools and 1 indoor pool which was closed.  It has a pizza store on site if you need some food.  The hotel is in a very good location: the Merced river is right behind the hotel , and it’s only 15 minutes to the Yosemite entrance.  That’s why it’s not cheap: $550 for 2 nites in a mountain view with a small kitchenette ( small sink, 4 burners stove, microwave, mini fridge, toaster, coffee maker, some dishes, pots and utensils, no oven).  The bathroom is very roomy, looks like they just remodeled it.  The balcony has 2 plastic chair and a little table.  It was so hot so we rather stayed inside than sitting outside.

We made reservation with the park on 7/19 so we had to activate the pass on this day.  So after checking in, taking a little break, we headed to the Yosemite park entrance.  They asked for the reservation print out and my ID because my name was on the pass; they took the car license plate and gave us a a pink pass which we should always display on the dashboard.  The reason they took the license plate is that, they check the license plate to see if it matches with our pass every time we re-enter the park.  I guess it’s their way to prevent cheating because it’s so hard to get a reservation to the park due to the Covid-19 restrictions.  William felt asleep while we were driving to the Tunnel View; after a long drive and no sleep he must be very tired!

Tonight’s dinner was Canh Bún  and Bún Mắm I bought from Mama Oanh’s Kitchen before we left for the trip (freeze the soup the night before).  Nothing tastes better than a bowl of Vietnamese soup after a long day!

Our plan for the next day is Tunnel View, Valley View, hiking to Lower Fall and Swinging Bridge.  It was an easy hike with lots of big trees on the way so we did not feel hot at all.  But the Lower Fall is a little bit disappointment because there’s so little water.  After the hike we drove to the Swinging Bridge where we had lunch and had fun playing with the clear water.  It’s so beautiful here.   On the way back to the hotel we stopped by Valley View for some more family pictures.

Swinging Bridge

It was around 4 PM; we took William down to the pool; there was only 2 families there so William had his own corner: he refused to leave the steps.  Uncle Than tried to get him out to teach him to swim but he kept saying no.  It was too sunny and too hot, he got off the pool after only 30 minutes.  Tim & Than & Huong found the way the Merced river thru the pool gate so they went there to check it out; I took William back to the hotel room.  William did not like the river; we took him there but after 1 minute, not sure what he saw but he insisted to go back to the room.

Hotel Pool

Tonight’s dinner was Phở,  aunt Huong brought from home.  Yes it tastes so good in the jungle!  It’s our last night here at Yosemite park.

Tuesday morning, time to go home.  We checked out early; we had some time to check out the Merced river behind the hotel again for some last minutes pictures.  We stopped by Vons in Oakhust town again for some more fresh cherries; and then headed home.

The drive home was so smooth without any traffic; and of course, much thanks to our driver Tim Bui.  We got home around 6:00 PM.

Swinging Bridge


About the Yosemite View Lodge:  overall we love this hotel, its location is perfect, kitchenette and roomy bathroom is a plus.  Hotel pool need some cleaning.  Wifi is available to purchase for $10.00/day thru a 3rd party (not provided by the hotel).

Yosemite Entrance Pass: due to Covid-19 restrictions, the park limits the number of people entering the site.  We must make a reservation thru their web site; and it’s not easy.  They release 80% tickets 1 month before; and 20% tickets 2 days in advance at 7:00 AM.  You have to be fast in booking, by 7:03 AM all tickets are sold out! The trick is to log in before 7:00 AM and get your credit card ready.  When it’s exact 7:00 AM, refresh the page continuously until it shows the available slots.  Make your selection right away and add to cart.  So you have to pay the entrance fee plus $2 for reservation free, which total around $32.00.  Print your reservation, and make sure bring your ID with you; they will check to see if it’s really you (your name must match with your ID).  Also, you must arrive on the day you reserved.  So make sure to plan carefully.  They open from 8:00 AM – 11 PM, but we didn’t see anyone at the booth when we left the park around 7 PM.

Here’s the link to the reservation site:  https://www.recreation.gov/ticket/facility/300015

Carrizo Plain National Monument

Gold flowers field near the Goodwin Education Center on the Soda Lake Rd.

Saturday Apr 8 – 9, 2017

It has been raining a lot in California that the wild flowers are blooming every where, the press calls it “Super Bloom”; it has been so long that we have a good wild flowers year so we decided to check out Carrizo Plain National Monument where people say that the flowers are in full bloom.  It’s a 4 hours drive from Santa Ana so we decided to stay 1 night in some town near Carrizo Plain so that William would not feel tired of too much driving.  I booked the hotel in Santa Maria town without knowing that there’s no road that goes from Soda Lake Rd to 166 thus we had to drive a big circle to get to our hotel in Santa Maria (58 –> 101)

Avila beach, on the way to our hotel in Santa Maria

Spend 1 night in Santa Maria @Best Western Plus, right off on freeway 101 on Broadway st.

Saturday, left house around 6:20 AM, William woke up when we carried him to the car and would not go back to sleep.  First stop is at Gorman (there’s no wild flowers at all on the hills) to have breakfast at Carl’s Jr..  Continue driving on 5 N – 166 W – Soda Lake Rd to enter the Carrizo Plain National Monument on the South entrance.  There were not that many flowers on the south of the park, lots more flowers at the north of the park.  We drove along the Soda Lake Rd, then stopped by the Goodwin Education Center for some information.  They said the best flowers found on the Elkhorn road.  But it was 3 PM and we didn’t have much gas left so we decided to go to the hotel and visit Elkhorm Rd tomorrow.  Lunch time William refused to eat the spaghetti soup that we heated up using a small slow cooker plugged into the cigaret plug, so I gave him a bottle of water and then he felt asleep.

Our room 226 at Best Western Plus hotel

To get to the hotel we’d have to take 58 and then 101, it’s about 2 hours drive; but along the 101 we stopped at the Avila Beach and Pismo beach so the drive didn’t feel that long. From Avila town, before going back to 101 free way to get to the hotel, we stopped by a McDonald, bought some chicken nuggets and Strawberry Banana smoothie, Moca Frap because I thought William might be hungry.  William only ate 1 chicken nugget but he ate lots of fries.  I tried to feed him the smoothie but he preferred the Moca Frap better.   There’s no gas or restaurants along the 58 but it’s a very nice curvy road along the mountain.  Finally we got to the hotel around 7 PM. William loved the bed, he climbed on it when we first got in.  Our room was 226, at the end, on the 2nd floor.  Pool and Spa is under construction so no access at this time.  Gave William a good warm bath, then we fed him spaghetti soup, he finished the whole can.  Tim & I had a quick diner: instant noodle.

South entrance to Carrizo Plain, we entered from 166 and made a turn on Soda lake Rd.

Next morning, after breakfast at the hotel, left the hotel around 8:30 AM, stopped by a Mexican market near by to get a pack of hot dogs and jello for William because yesterday he didn’t eat the spaghetti soup; and there’s no foods sold inside the park.  We chose 101 – 166 – Soda lake road – Elkhorn road.  So we started at the South entrance again and then made a right turn which is next to the information stand to get to the Elkhorn Rd.  The road is uphill and then down hill.  It’s a dirt road so whenever a car pass by, dirt is all over the place.   No internet service, no phone signal, no GPS, no maps so we were kinda lost after a while driving because we were not sure if we were on Elkhorn road or not.  Lucky for us we met some nice people camping along the way, they gave us a map and told us to keep going.  William at this time is too tired of sitting in the car seat so I let him out to sit next to me; our car was moving very slowly so I would not think that would be dangerous to William.  Finally we reached the destination the we were looking for: hills filled with purple and yellow flowers.  We made a right turn to the parking area to get closer to the hills.  Here I met my friends Phuoc & Hanh and their little 3 year old boy Minh.  Then I hiked 1 hour further into the hill sides while Tim stayed in the car to watch William; he was sleeping.

The next crowded spot: Wallace Creek; lots of people stopped by this place and hiking on the trails.  The hills were filled with lots of flowers than other previous hills at that we stopped at.  William was now awake and didn’t look happy so we didn’t stay long at this location.

Continue on the Elkhorn road and make a right turn to get to freeway 58, we were surprised to see lots of yellow flowers along the road and the hills.  We stopped here and took a few pictures and then headed home because it was getting late.

William was so happy at In and Out burger, he kept sitting on the table!

Stopped by the In and Out burger at the The Outlets of Tejon to fill up gas and have dinner.  William must be hungry because he ate some piece of burger with cheese and lots of fries.  He especially loved the lemonade.  We got home about 9:30 PM.  William ran straight to bed, happily sat on the bed and play with his toys.

There was lots of driving in this trip but this was the first time that I’ve seen so many flowers in my life.  They’re so beautiful and Tim was so nice to watch the boy and encourage me to hike to watch flowers if I want to.  Thank you hubby!