Sunday @11 AM – Orange Empire Railroad Museum.
About 2 hours driving to the Railroad Museum from our house. It was a beautiful sunny day. We bought tickets for train ride at 11:00 AM but we were 5 minutes late so we had to wait for the next train; which means we have about 1 hour to spend in this area before riding the Thomas train.

William loved the traffic signs area with lights and sounds; he also liked to climb up the old trains.

But 1 thing he did not like is to ride the Thomas train! He kicked and cried while we were walking to our train car; so I had to pick him up and carry him to find the car. Finally we got in, he did not want to stay; and it got worse when the captain started to talk: he covered his ears! Obviously he is not a big fan of Thomas The Train! But overall it was a fun day.

Other activities that he liked was petting and riding the shuttle around.
Tim loves to Selfie!
On the way out, we bought him the Thomas balloon; he loved it so much that he kept smiling when holding on to the balloon. Later at night he used the balloon as his pillow.