It’s too late into the persimmon season but we went to the farm anyway because the owner said there was still some fruits left. I was more into the scenery of the farm: autumn leaves.
It’s 1 and 1/2 hour driving to the place from our house; not too bad.

It’s hidden in a residential area, and it’s smaller than we thought. The owner just got the farm recently. They were selling $2.00/lbl. We had a choice of picking the fruit ourselves or we could get those that they already picked and placed on the table in front of their house.

Tim grabbed container and went picking the fruit from the trees. William did not want to go there; he kept running back to the car; I really had a hard time to catch up with him because it’s an up hill run up to the car from the farm.
I guess because he loved the scale that the owner used to weight the fruits that he kept running back.
The farm owner
William also loved to walk on the stack of hay, even lie down on it; Hay was all over his pants and jacket.