Last Day Of Speech Therapy

Being a 2nd grader at Thomas Jefferson school, his class will be ended at 2:00 PM, which will conflict with his speech therapy at Providence Speech and Hearing center at 1:00 PM every Mondays with Ms. Gina so we decided to cancel the therapy.

We’ve been using tele-health for the speech sessions but because today is the last day, we wanted to see Ms. Gina for the last time in person and gave her some appreciation gift.  William was so excited to go.  Actually he had been asking to go to the office because he said it was boring to have the on-line meeting.

Speech Therapy 8th Session

Mon 4/16/2018

William speech therapy session is now moved from Tuesday to Monday at 1:30 PM, which is much better that William doesn’t need to leave his class early.  It’s Monday, Tim’s not working so he picked William up at Mitchell school and then took him to Providence Speech and Hearing Center ( Brookhurst and Bushard).  William has new speech therapist; Ms. Kristi is no longer teaching William.

Today session mainly involves the functions of body parts: Nose is to smell, Eyes to see.  At first William did not understand the questions but after the session, William knows how to respond to questions like “What’s Nose is for?”