Transition Kindergarten – First Day 2018

Mon 8/13/2018 8:00 AM

William was born in Nov so he’s not ready to go to Kindergarten yet; they send him to TK instead; and today was his first day at the Lincoln Elementary School.  He started to cry when I pushed the stroller pass my car.  He pointed his hand toward the car signaling that he wanted to take the car.  I told him “The new school is near so we can just walk”.  He cried all the way from home to the class room. It was so crowded with students.  We stopped by the office first to find out his room number: 54 with Ms. Newman Heather.

It was a surprised to see Ms. Birdie in the classroom too.  William stopped crying once we got inside the room but refused to get off his stroller.  After a while, he came sit next to me at the breakfast table.  Ms. Newman brought in  breakfast: juice and mini-donuts and asked if he wanted donuts; he kept saying No but I took one chocolate donut anyway because i know he loves it.  After a few times saying No, he reached to the donut and had 1 bite.  Then eventually he finished it!  I encouraged him to go play, and he ran over to the Legos.

His class is from 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM.  Breakfast is served around 8:00 AM in the classroom (he doesn’t need to go get it like at the Martin school); and lunch is served around 11:30 AM.

He was sent home with homework on the first day of school! (it’s 4 pages of learning about letter A).

Refused to get off the stroller
Eventually he finished the donut, and drank juice that we brought from home. He didn’t want to try to juice in the carton that Ms. Newman gave him.
With classmates, some are in 1st and 2nd grades.
Ms. Newman (black and white stripes blouse) Ms. Sandy (black & white flowers blouse) in the background talking to parents.
After breakfast, he went under a table to get to this play mat and legos.

Breakfast: Orange juice in carton box, Chocolate milk in plastic bag and mini-donut

One corner of the classroom


Another corner
His classmates already finished their breakfast; William still taking his time…

First Time To The Zoo

Saturday Morning.

We’ve been reading the book Zoo Animals almost every night, and I realized that we have not taken him to the zoo!  What a terrible mistake so we decided to go today; there’s a small Santa Ana zoo which is around 15 minutes away from our house.  He was so excited to get ready!

More pics:

Zoo entrance. A nice gentleman offered to take a picture for us. Thank you!

What can we find in the zoo? what animal? – I asked while we were on the way there.

Dog! – William replied after a pause of thinking.

OK, what else?


What animal has a long neck?  He could not remember, so I reminded him “Gi…”

Giraffe! – He said.

But too bad we could not find giraffe at this small zoo.  This zoo has lots of monkeys, some birds, camels and few other animals.  It’s really a small zoo!

Selfie time!

Admission fee: $33 for 3 of us.  (Annual membership for a family of 4 would cost $99, which is valid at at most all zoos).

After we paid entrance fee and got in, he looked around, sat on a chair and said “I want to go home!”.

He didn’t care much about the animals, he loved to touch the metal boxes that they put through out the zoo.  At some point he liked to watch the monkeys fighting.  I tried to persuade him to take the little train; he said no at first but after he saw one passing by, he said yes.  (It requires 3 tix per person, $1.5 per ticket so $4.5 for each person).  William was waiting patiently with us without running around for the next train to come, which is a really good behavior.  But when we got seated, the train conductor started to talk, William cried.  I guess it was so loud for him and he didn’t expect to hear that.  After a few seconds of comforting him, telling him everything is gonna be ok, then he stopped crying.

He touched this box whenever he saw one!

William did not seem to enjoy the zoo or train very much.  We planned to go the San Diego zoo but after seeing his reaction at the zoo today we’re not sure if we want to take him back to the zoo any time soon.  It’s 2 hours drive to San Diego zoo and if he’s not enjoy much then it’s not worth it.

The Farm

Got the tickets for the train
On the little train