It’s Friday, which means weekend, which means I can rest more: my tooth has been hurt so much that I can barely eat, and it’s giving me a strong headache. William said, “Mom, You have to go to the dentist!” – Thanks my boy, he’s a sweet cute boy (when he’s not upset).
Ms. Dora was back today, “I had doctor appointment yesterday” – She explained when I said we missed her yesterday.

Today Mr. C held William and another boy hands while walking them out to the gate when the class was over. Usually Ms. Dora walks William out. He told me that today the school serve pizza and William ate everything! That is great!
Ms. Dora stopped me while we were about to leave the school and told me that William was very compliant today, he was waiting patiently for his turn. I’m so proud of you son. And I’m very appreciate the fact that Ms. Dora always tries to give me a brief report of how William is doing at school. I think it’s better to take William to school than let him ride the bus, because if he rides the bus then we would not have a chance to talk to his teachers. I always ask him what did he do at school but he keeps saying “I’m not gonna tell you”, so the only way to know what’s going on is thru his teachers.