Friday, Yay!

It’s Friday, which means weekend, which means I can rest more: my tooth has been hurt so much that I can barely eat, and it’s giving me a strong headache.  William said, “Mom, You have to go to the dentist!” – Thanks my boy, he’s a sweet cute boy (when he’s not upset).

Ms. Dora was back today, “I had doctor appointment yesterday” – She explained when I said we missed her yesterday.

Ms. Dora in white T-shirt and red backpack holding William’s hand.

Today Mr. C held William and another boy hands while walking them out to the gate when the class was over.  Usually Ms. Dora walks William out.  He told me that today the school serve pizza and William ate everything! That is great!

Ms. Dora stopped me while we were about to leave the school and told me that William was very compliant today, he was waiting patiently for his turn.  I’m so proud of you son.  And I’m very appreciate the fact that Ms. Dora always tries to give me a brief report of how William is doing at school.  I think it’s better to take William to school than let him ride the bus, because if he rides the bus then we would not have a chance to talk to his teachers.  I always ask him what did he do at school but he keeps saying “I’m not gonna tell you”, so the only way to know what’s going on is thru his teachers.

It’s Thursday!

Second week at school is almost gone.   Time flies! While we were waiting for Ms. Dora, I took a few pictures of him in front of the school.  The school is so old; but I like that there are 2 big trees to save us from the sun.  Where’s Ms. Dora? usually she’d wait for us here around 7:50 AM but we did not see her.  Then Ms. Crystal approached us with other children so William followed her.

Waiting to pick up their children under the strong sun and hot weather. That can only mean LOVE!

I Want You To Pay Me 1 Million!

Lately William keeps saying, pay me 1 million dollars!  And he came up with the idea of asking people to pay him $1 million while waiting in the car every morning when I drop him off at school.  One day he used the flute to make some music (noise!) when he saw some body walking by.  These are the parents that taking their kids to school.  Today he hung up the little coin bag on the flute and handed it out!  I told him $1 mill dollars is a very big amount of money, no one will have that much, even if they have they’d not give out that much.  But I don’t think he understands that 🙂

9/8/2021: Second day in a row that he did that: hang the little bag in the flute and wait for someone to walk by then he’d point the flute to them without saying anything.  Sometime he blew on the flute so loud that people turned around and looked at us!

Got Bit By His Peer

On Monday, I got a call from a nurse that William got bit by Ethan; and that Mrs. Newman was doing a report to the principal.

I asked if it hurts in the evening when I got home from work; he said “No!”.

Seems like Ethan and William don’t get along well; the other day William said Ethan hit his head.


It’s been a week but the mark is still dark!

Last Day of Summer School 2019

Wednesday 7/3, right before the holiday 4th of July, was William’s last day of summer school at Martin Elementary school. Nothing specially happened on this day, but I took a few pictures of him anyway.

We bought the teachers some sweet treats (fruit tarts from 85 Degree Bakery) on Tuesday as a thank you for their hard work.

William loves to touch the bus.
William loves to touch the bus.
He loves to touch the Collins sign of the white bus
He loves to touch the Collins sign of the white bus

No Awareness Of Safety

Thursday Morning. Woke him up at 7:30 AM, as usual he whined when I was trying to get him brush his teeth; but today he kept whining while I put on lotion on his body and dressed him up. When I carried him out the door he whined again, “I want to turn off the light”, so I put him down on the bench, ran back to the bed room to turn off the light.

Taking him on his stroller to school. At the traffic light stop, as usual he always wants to press the button on the pole so I took him there; and he pressed it. When the walk light was on, I started to push the stroller, and he started to whine and put his feet down on the ground that I could not push the stroller: he wanted to push the button again! Of course, we missed that walk light so had to wait for the next walk light.

It did not end there, we finally got to the school gate, Ms. Newman and Sandy were busy picking up his friends from the bus, I un-buckled his seat bell and was getting his backpack out of the stroller, he stood up and started to run toward the road. I ran after him; and only could catch him when he stopped. Luckily that he stopped on the side walk, not on the middle of the road!

Watching him walked with his teachers and friends to the classroom behind the gate, I felt so sad and helpless. This is how my morning goes everyday, mostly depends on his mood on that day (today he was cranky), which draws all the energy from me. I really don’t mind doing the hard work, but the thought that he’d never get better, and I have to deal with this for the rest of my life really makes me feel down.

Back To School

Monday 8:00 AM. After 2 weeks of break, it’s back to school time. I woke William up around 7:25 AM, he refused to get up as usual, and the hardest part is to make him brush his teeth. Of course we don’t have much time in the morning so I ended up brush his teeth for him after all whining, crying, kicking. After brushing teeth, and his face is washed, he runs to sit on the bed and smile: a totally different attitude than few minutes ago. This happens every morning; nothing is improved!

Then I put lotion on his face, especially over his eyes because if I don’t, his skin will be dry and he’s gonna scratch his eyes like crazy. Lotion really helps a lot. And more lotion all over his body before I dress him up: jean, uniform polo, socks, jacket and ready to go! I try to finish everything by 7:45 AM so that we’d be at school before 8:00 AM. The teachers usually pick up the kids around 7:50 AM from the bus, so if we miss this time, we’ll have to wait till 8:00 AM, when the teacher comes out again to pick up whoever was not picked up yet.

Turning 5, Celebrate Birthday at School


William’s Birthday is Nov 24 but school is closed the whole week (11/16 -11/23) so Ms. Newman decided to celebrate his birthday few days earlier.  I asked if I could bring a cake but she said she was gonna bring cup cakes so I can bring cookies and juice.

So after work I went to 85 Bakery to buy 3 little fruit tarts for the teachers as a appreciation token in the spirit of Thanksgiving.  Then stopped by Walmart to get 1 cookie box, 1 pop corn box and 1 pack of juice.  I was gonna go to Costco but it was too late and dark; and Costco is far.

Picked him up at school, he seemed to be happy wearing a Birthday hat.

Happy Birthday my precious boy!


I had William trace out the card, and color the red heart.

The card we got for the teachers to say THANKS

2nd Week Of Summer School

William walked to classroom with Mrs. Newman

Tuesday Morning.  It’s 2nd week of summer school already.  This morning when I washed his face and told him that we were going to school; he said “Gary” (what he meant is Children’s World Preschool, where Mr. Gary is the director).

– School first, and then we go to Gary after lunch! – he seemed to be upset a bit; tears came to his eyes.  “Gary after lunch OK William?” I said it again.

After that he was fine.  When I dropped him off and handed his hand to Mrs. Newman, he turned to me and said Good Bye; and then walked with her.







Class is over, walking with Mrs. Newman toward the drop off / pickup location.