Social Group Is Suspended!

William’s compliance is getting worse so Jody/Elizabeth recommended that we stop sending William to social group on Saturdays.  So from 7/20/2019 the session with Brenda will be at home instead at TasKids office.

“William bad behaviors of not listening and taking toys away from his peers affect other children” – Jody said.

I felt sad when I heard that; I’m always hoping that with Social Group, he can improve his social skills and learn how to interact with other children; so that he’s less likely to sit in the corner all by himself.

Another reason that I want him to go to Social Group is because I think it’s more fun to have sessions outside of the house settings. They have all kind of activities like read book, craft, dance; and especially when there’s a birthday party, he get to have a balloon which he likes.

Now that the session is held at home, a 3 hour session is too long!

“We will resume Social Group when his’s compliance level is improved” – Jody continued.

With William’s current behaviors, I can see that date will not coming soon!


8/7/2019 We’ve had 3 sessions with Brenda on Saturdays at home since the stop going to the TasKids office. I could see that William is not enjoying time with Brenda; I guess he’s simply just bored. So I’m trying to find any events near by that we can go so that the whole session doesn’t have to be at home.