Speech Therapy 8th Session

Mon 4/16/2018

William speech therapy session is now moved from Tuesday to Monday at 1:30 PM, which is much better that William doesn’t need to leave his class early.  It’s Monday, Tim’s not working so he picked William up at Mitchell school and then took him to Providence Speech and Hearing Center ( Brookhurst and Bushard).  William has new speech therapist; Ms. Kristi is no longer teaching William.

Today session mainly involves the functions of body parts: Nose is to smell, Eyes to see.  At first William did not understand the questions but after the session, William knows how to respond to questions like “What’s Nose is for?”

Speech Therapy – 2nd Session

William and Ms. Kristy

Tuesday 12:00 PM.  Took William to his second session of Speech Therapy at Providence Hearing and Speech Center in Fountain Valley.  The session was only 30 minutes, the first 20 minutes was in the room, the next 5 minutes was in the gym and the last 5 minutes was for the therapist to take notes (which means we left after the gym, which was about 12:25 PM).

When we got in the room, Ms. Kristy let him sat in the small chair and buckled him up (so that he doesn’t run around).  She taught him the concept of TOP and UNDER.  Also, he had to ask for things “I NEED ….”.   She also introduced the functionality of things “What does it do?”, “An airplane fly”…

William tried to unbuckle the straps a few times but could not.

The gym

When in the gym, William had to ask for things he wanted to play “I want swing”, etc.