Speech & Hearing Evaluation

Monday 3:00 PM at Providence Speech and Hearing Center.

William’s primary care doctor  refers us to Providence Speech and Hearing Center so that William can have speech and hearing test. According to the doctor, his test of 2 years ago is too old so she wants us to do a new evaluation.  This is a necessary step in order to request for speech therapy.

Our appointment is 3:00 PM. Our plan is Tim will pick William up at Mitchell school at 1:00 PM, take him home, feed him some pizza and then take him to the Providence center around 2:30 PM.

One year ago when he was evaluated by the psychologist from Mitchell Child Development Center (Santa Ana School District); they said William is not ready for Speech therapy because even though he was 3 years old, his development was about the same as 6 months old children.   Over the year I’ve seen him progresses a lot; now he’d repeat the words we say and listen to our simple request more.  Especially he’d make eyes contact when we say hi or bye.

So I hope if he can have speech therapy soon, he’ll improve his speech at faster pace.  I’m just afraid that the process of getting him to speech therapy is too long.  It took about 1 and half month to get appointment with Providence Speech and Hearing Center for evaluation alone!

Cough Is Back!

Monday afternoon.  William started to cough after school at Mitchell.  Later in the evening he coughed more during ABA session with Ms. Annie and Jody from ABEST.

So I cooked him salmon porridge;  after dinner we gave him 5 ml DimeTapp and another 5ml around 4:30 AM on Tuesday early morning because he could not sleep and started to cough again.

Tuesday 8 AM.  His head felt warm to the touch.  He’s still coughing but not that much so I sent him to school.  Hopefully he’ll get better soon.