New ABA Staff

William with teacher Dan, playing “Breaking the Ice” game

In order to prepare for transition to ABA services funded by Cal-Optima (currently our ABA service is funded by RCOC until end of Oct 2017),  ABEST’s director has made some changes with the staffs that teach William.  Ms. Annie has been the primary teacher for William, and some times Ms. Jody; and Mrs. Jody is also to supervise and parent training.   Cal-Optima has different requirements for ABA staffs that’s why Ms. Annie and Jody can’t be on the case anymore.

So William’s new teacher would be Mr. Dan, a very young nice man; and the supervisor would be Mr. Kevin which we have not met yet.

First day Mr. Dan is 1 on 1 with William, Mrs. Nhu came to make sure everything is fine. I love how she cares for her staffs and clients.
First day Mr. Dan came with lots of toys, he put them on the floor to see which one William likes.
Playing domino