Yesterday (Wednesday) evening, while in ABA session with Ms. Annie.
As usual I always prepare some snack for William to eat during session; and today we have egg rolls. Ms. Annie thought the word Egg Roll might be too hard for him to repeat so she said “William, food!” as she handed him the dish with egg roll. William replied “Egg Roll!” to our surprise. We all laughed because we never expect him to say some thing that we didn’t teach. I may have said the word some times but never ask him to repeat it; that’s why we were so surprised that he could say it very clear.
Today morning when I dropped him off at Mrs. Hana class, I told her about the story and asked if he learned it from school. She laughed and said he must learn it from Max, 1 of William’s classmates, who had egg roll every day for the last year! (this year Max is not going to this school).
Mrs. Hana also told me that usually William hates circle time, most of the time he’d get mad but yesterday he came up to the board when Mrs. Hana called his name.
I’m so happy knowing that William is learning something, slowly but making good progress.